Womxn In The Pines

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Body, Mind, & Soul: Part 3

We are body, mind, & soul. None are more important than the other. None are of lesser value. All are equal. All are good.

My dear friend just recently told me that she was pondering the word “complicated” & how it could be the definition of humanness. The definition of complicated is, “consisting of many interconnecting parts or elements; intricate.”

Yes. Humans = Complicated. And it is beautiful.

So, today, we are focusing in on the soul….& that’s complicated to do.

It is said,

“The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. 
The name that can be named is not the eternal name. 
The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth. 
The named is the mother of ten thousand things.”

― Laozi, Tao Te Ching

When we talk things of spirituality, the Divine, & our souls…it is hard to put a name to it. And when we do, we cannot even begin to fully grasp it. To name it is to put it in a box when it is something so huge, so beautiful, so powerful, & beyond words that it would never fit in one box alone. But, naming it & using what words we can does help our minds wrap around this idea & helps us to connect with it. So, we will talk about our souls today…but, we know there is so much more. Our souls are so expansive.

The best way I know to describe a soul is this…

Our soul is a timeless energy directly connected to Source & to one another in love & power.

Our soul is the deepest part of ourself. Our soul is where we connect with the Divine. Our soul is where we are our True Self. Our soul is where we desire depth, connection, authenticity, & more.

When we nourish our soul, we nourish our entire being. When something truly lights us up, that is nourishment to our soul.

The thing that is interesting about our soul is that it is so deep & so personal. When we have alone time, that is when we can really connect with our soul & hear it. When we are alone & listen to it, we can really care & attend to its needs.

And yet. In those times of being alone & nourishing our soul, what do we always want to do? We want to tell someone about our experience. We want to talk about it. We want to share.

Because our soul is meant for connection.

Every human has a soul. We are all alike, we are all connected. And we all long for our souls to be seen, heard, & loved. It can be scary to be seen, heard, & loved. Yes. But at our core, we do long for these things.

Spirituality is not just about ourselves. It is about the Collective also. We are the same. We are one.

When we connect with ourself or the Divine, it lights us up & we want to share with others. When we share & connect with others, it lights them up, which in turn lights us up again & helps us connect with ourself or the Divine again in a deeper way. It is this beautiful, connected cycle. Let’s call it a Soul Cycle.

But, oh, it can be so easy to disconnect & step out of this beautiful cycle. It can happen from so many different angles. We can start to focus on just ourself & keep our spirituality to ourself, excluding the piece of others. We can do the opposite & focus so much on others that we forget to nourish ourself. Or we can disconnect from both completely because we feel that being numb is safer. We can guard ourselves so much that we don’t even know our own self, much less expose ourself to others. It’s easy to do all of these things & more.

How do you find yourself typically disconnecting from the Soul Cycle?

It’s ok if we do. We are human. Just keep moving.

If we step out of the beautiful, connected, Soul Cycle, we can jump right back in. It is always available to us.

And when we step back in, oh, it is so good. The Soul Cycle brings us life, joy, & purpose. It helps us stay grounded, stay true to ourself, & just stay sane. We need one another. We need ourself. We need the Divine. If we do not stop to connect to these, our life lacks something beautiful. This is what we are here for. This is the good stuff. So, keep moving, Sis. Keep digging, keep connecting, keep listening.

Have you experienced this Soul Cycle? How do you like to connect to & nourish your soul? How do you like sharing & connecting with others?

If you are ready to connect with others & to also spend time focusing on each aspect of body, mind, & soul, then I would love to see you at our upcoming Circle! Check out the info here:
