A FREE, co-creative Circle open to all women, womxn, and femme folks. An intentional time set aside to live life together by sharing food, soul conversations, and inspired contributions (you might find a sister sharing a little tarot one week, a cacao ceremony from a different sister the next, a teaching from a sister the next, etc).
Each Circle is unique to who shows up and the offerings that are provided. What stays the same is that there will always be food and Circle sharing (what I also call soul conversation) - and the heart of it all will always be the same:
What’s present for you in your world? What support do you desire?
We gather as like-hearted sisters. We don’t have to think the same to hold space for one another, to love one another, and to see the Divine within each and every soul.
Gathering monthly, every first Sunday.
This Month’s Hosts + Offerings:
Johanna Bowen (she/her) + Noël Ly Heatherland (they/them)
We are so excited that it is Spring! Join us for a lovely gathering as we welcome in this new season. We will gather outside and savor all that is here for us now in this magical time of year.
Johanna will share about the Spring archetype energy, the Maiden, and Noël will share about the energy of Aries season! We have some beautiful offerings planned with oracle cards, creative writing for all levels, Circle sharing and more. Join us in the inspirational outdoors for a time to bask in nature, creativity, and sisterhood!
A Little about Noël:
Noël Ly Heatherland is an aspiring poet, worshipper of nature, self proclaimed sea witch, and former “horse girl” who is a lover of all animals. After several powerful encounters with plant medicine and healing ceremonies, they are embarking further into connecting with the community of sisters interested in doing the spiritual work, especially here in Atlanta. They grew up in a fundamentalist religious cult and consider themselves to be a retired Christian who now focuses on love and oneness as the religion while being gentle with themselves on their personal healing journey towards more authenticity and joy. They identify as a nonbinary human and use they/them pronouns and also support the empowerment of all women and femme people and celebrate the Divine Feminine in all of us.
As an Aries Sun, they are especially excited to co-host the Aries Season Circle. We will contemplate the characteristics of Aries energy, work with goddess energy oracle cards, and create some poetry together within a safe and brave container. Noël reminds us that our voices matter and the written word is a tool for releasing emotions and manifesting dreams for us and for the greater collective. They have hosted Talking Circles virtually and believe in the magic that happens when we come together to share with and hold space for each other.
• Open to all women, womxn, and femme folks.
• Our time will include a shared meal. Please bring food to share!
• We will be outdoors unless there is rain. Bring blanket to sit on and clothes accordingly.
• Raw, organic cacao will be available for all :)
• Sister Circles are at a private residence in Atlanta. Please email: womxninthepines@gmail.com for address - please include your name, how you heard about this space, and a little about yourself (bonus if you link your social for extra safety).