Masculine & feminine energies are within us all, each type offering unique capabilities & shadows as well. This month, we are diving into the second part of our “Embracing the Divine Feminine” Circle.
We can embody masculine energy in a balanced, productive way or in a toxic, forceful way. Let us lean in, assess where we are, discover how to utilize this energy best for us, & continue to deepen into ourself with love & admiration for all we are capable of.
Join Elizabeth with Womxn in the Pines & Ashlee with Yoga Over Blue Ridge for a special evening of guided discussion, yoga, journal work, & the power of sisterhood inside a safe space.
April 6, 7-9pm
At Yoga Over Blue Ridge in Ellijay
13 spots available
$27 exchange
VenMo: @YogaOverBlueRidge
Yoga Mat
Yoga Blanket
Journal & Pen
Reusable Cup (Herbal Tea provided)