Now offering Full Moon Ceremonies!
Full Moons are full of powerful, active, yang energy! It is a magical time of seeing our New Moon intentions coming alive & feeling the power to accomplish our goals. It is also a time where our cup is so full that we must remove what does not serve us in order to continue moving ahead in life.
So, each month, the full moon is here to remind us to re-assess, release what no longer serves us, & continue moving forward with what does! She reminds us that we are bright, we are strong, we are full of life! We are able to use our strengths & abilities on what truly lights us up to see our intentions fully manifest.
Are you ready to release what no longer serves you? Are you ready to embrace your power & walk in it proudly? Join us for a beautiful night of ceremony & sisterhood!
Join us in the BRAND NEW Zen Den at Zen & Juice!
Our time together will include:
Extensive personal journal work with Libra Full Moon worksheet
Breath Work & Embodiment Exercises
Burn Ritual to release what no longer serves us
Sharing Circle
Gluten Free & Dairy Free Chocolate Chip Cookies from A Little Baked Bakery
Mylk from Zen & Juice (almonds, dates, vanilla bean, cinnamon, sea salt, & magic)
Hot Tea / Decaf Coffee (or BYOB)
Journal & a Pen
Previous New Moon Intentions (if available)
Reusable Mug / Cup
Sunday, March 28th, 7:15-9:15pm
At Zen & Juice (100 N Main St, Ellijay)
NOTE: if 8+ attendees, we will move upstairs to Yoga Over Blue Ridge
$23 exchange (+ receive $3 off if you attend a March Women’s Circle or New Moon)
VenMo: @WomxnInThePines (leave email address & event name in comments)(preferred)
PayPal: (leave email address & event name in comments)
Pay via credit card below!
*** Circle Sister Discount is only available via VenMo or PayPal ***
Can’t join locally?
Look out for the Libra Full Moon Worksheet available March 25th - 31st to create your own ceremony at home!
Can’t wait for some healthy mylk & cookies!