
Month at a Glance

Recurring Circles:

  • Ellijay: Quarterly for a Topical Womxn’s Circle

    (1st Wednesday of the month)

  • Atlanta: Monthly for a Free, Co-Creative Sister Circle

    (1st Sunday of the month)

    ***Want to see me quarterly in your town? Email

Filtering by: “Events”

Creative Writing Sisterhood

Creative Writing Sisterhood

Do you have a passion for writing? Perhaps you’re a poet, a novelist, or dreaming of becoming a blogger…then, this space is for you!

Elizabeth Kier with Womxn in the Pines is teaming up with Susanna Rosenet to create a space where we can all explore our craft & deepen it!

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Spring Equinox Gathering

Spring Equinox Gathering

The Spring Equinox is here & it is time to celebrate this joyous day with sisters!

We have made it through the long, dark months of winter! Now at the Equinox, light & dark are equal - daylight is the same as nighttime. The balance of light & dark reminds us of the balance we carry within ourselves as well. We experience joy & pain, growth & falling away, action & receiving. Spring is here to remind us of hope, possibilities, & new growth in our life!

So, let’s celebrate!

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What is a Women’s Circle?